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How Courtney Stuck To The Plan And Lost Over 6 Stone.
Hospital worker Courtney was unrecognisable to some of her colleagues after she lost over 6 stone.
Within her working environment, it could be a while between talking to colleagues in the large hospital, so much so that Courtney would have given Clarke Kent a run for his money when it came to disguises! Having lost over 6 stone Courtney, was unrecognisable and was enough for her to be reintroduced to people she already knew!
Courtney’s transformation has been a complete success in all areas of her life and we felt we should share her story with you. You can read her full journey, and how she lost just over 6 stone just below.
Discovering the New You Plan
NY: How did you discover the New You Plan?
NY: Describe how you felt before starting the Plan.
First impressions
NY: What was your first impression of the Plan?
COURTNEY: I was very impressed with just how much variety and selection of products there was so I knew there would be packs I would like. Also, l was impressed that the plan wasn’t a subscription-based service. You just pay for the food you want to order. This is the only meal replacement plan that I know of that offers this, and one of the reasons I went with it. Plus, the convenience of the products. Working a full-time job and having a baby to look after, the packs fit in perfectly with my busy schedule. I also loved the Secret Slimmers Facebook group, and how everyone was so friendly and supportive. Again, I don’t know of any other meal replacement plan that is this supportive to its members. Once I started the plan, it didn’t actually feel like I was on a diet at all! I was shocked at how much I could eat whilst doing the plan, and that I could still have sweet treats and lose weight!
NY: What was your first week like? (hurdles you overcame, first weeks weight loss, adjusting your life to the Plan etc.)

Big results
NY: How long have you been on the PLan and how much have you lost?
NY: What are your favourite meals and snacks? Can you give an example of a typical daily menu?
Emerging victorious
NY: What was your biggest non-scale victory?
COURTNEY: I recently went clothes shopping and I was able to buy clothes in a size small and extra small. I have never been able to fit into a S or XS! Honestly, that was one of the best moments!
NY: What was your biggest motivator for staying on Plan?
COURTNEY: There are a few, My son – I want to be a healthy role model for him. My own personal health – both of my parents have health issues due to being overweight and I don’t want to be the same and have the same issues. Plus just how far I have already got to on the plan, and not wanting to go back and mess up all the hard work I had accomplished.
NY: How has the Plan changed your life?
NY: How has your health improved?

Making memories
NY: Since losing weight, what is your happiest memory?
COURTNEY: Being fit enough to play with my son and not get out of breath. And for my husband to be able to get his arms around me, and pick me up!
NY: What is the nicest compliment you have received since losing weight?
NY: What advice would you offer anyone thinking of starting the Plan
COURTNEY: Do it! Just make your first order and do it, you have nothing to lose (but weight) and I can guarantee you will not regret it. If you stick with the Plan you WILL see results. If you’re finding it difficult to stick to, just visualize what you want to look like. Remember the reason you started and keep reminding yourself of that. The only regret I have is that I didn’t find out about this plan sooner. This plan works 100%.
Smashing Results
We love that Courtney had transformed so much that some of her colleagues didn’t even recognise her! It’s the ultimate compliment.
The fact that Courtney lost over 6 stone is a big deal and has changed her life completely. She is healthier, has more energy, is happier and has successfully achieved everything she set out to. She is no longer at risk of weight-related illnesses that she feared she would take on from her parents and has become an excellent role model to her son.
Courtney embraced the Plan, ate her favourite foods and engage with the Secret Slimmers to gain support when she was in need.
Well done Courtney – you lost over 6 stone and you smashed it!
If you have a transformation story to tell or want to start your own, then get in touch with our friendly customer service team or head on over to our website or app.
The time is now to start a new you with New You.

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